Thursday, October 15, 2015

There’s a recent news story getting a lot of attention

There’s a recent news story getting a lot of attention. A six-year-old kindergartener in Colorado was suspended from school for sexual harassment because he kissed a classmate on the hand. His mother is upset she’s having to explain “sex” to her six year old and feels the school’s reaction is extreme.

She admits Hunter’s been in trouble in school before–he’s been suspended twice–once for rough-housing and another for kissing the same little girl on the cheek. She feels the school district has gone too far for an innocent kiss. He’s just a little boy with a lot of energy who has a crush on a girl.

So I thought that maybe, just maybe, we might have a kitchen reveal for you today. But it turns out that some last minute details took a little longer than we expected and we didn’t want to rush it, so I’m hoping that next week will be the big week! While Donnie has been hard at […]

For me, productivity always starts with goals. Without goals, I feel like I’m aimlessly busy, running around trying to deal with the “emergency of the moment” because I haven’t clearly defined my priorities and the ways I should be spending my time. I also find that when I don’t have my goals and priorities in order.

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